Currently there are no good technologies to help us study the pathology of Occult Dirofilariasis in humans. HDRI has however discovered that Dirofilaria actually do produce detectable vibrations in the infrasonic range (4-16 Hz) under two specific circumstances and we were able to create a proof of concept device to verify the filaria’s existence as described by the subject. This prototype device does not allow for any kind of direct medical diagnosis but it does allow us to verify the physical existence of an otherwise completely invisible parasite that might otherwise have just be written off as a mere “psychological” phenomenon. While a doctor may not feel this evidence is significant enough to do anything, to the patient however this kind of physical verification is absolutely monumental, because now they can finally prove they are not crazy. From the research side it does give but a very small window into the life of a filaria where we might then learn something about their hidden life within the dark obis of an occult human infection.
The below image was recorded by a SM-24 geophone sensor using a software low pass filter to eliminate much of the higher frequency RFI background noise. Because of the substantial kinetic weight (200 Grams plus elastic straps to secure it) of this sensor it is not nearly as sensitive for this type of measurement but the results were good enough as a proof of concept to move forward with further development of a modified SM-24 sensor which will operate instead as a differential sensor with a much reduced kinetic mass. This modification should boost its sensitivity in the 4-16 hz range while lowering the overall sensitivity to the persons own movement.

Project Status: This project is currently waiting for funding to make any improvements in making this mobile enough to be useful.